2017 has been notable for many things and will forever have a place in the Spreadlove™ heart as the year in which we began planning our first Wealth-Building Conference At Sea.
We’re pretty ambitious at Spreadlove™ (with Esther Jeanbart as our founder it’s kind of in our DNA). So it was unsurprising that in planning the October 2018 event we spotted a fantastic opportunity to offer you all a conference at sea that was beyond even our ambitious expectations.
The ability to identify an opportunity that will truly add value is a key quality, that any successful person in business should have, and our upgrade is an opportunity to show that we’re practicing what we preach.
So what have we done? How have we evolved beyond our original plan?
Originally the cruise was to be a 3-day break taking us from Florida to the Bahamas and back. Now we have taken the opportunity to upgrade the trip to an 8-day cruise that will be setting off from Fort Lauderdale before taking in stops at Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico.
The sheer demand and enthusiasm meant upgrading from 3 to 8 days was almost a no-brainer.
Along the way you will be hearing from, and speaking with, some major names that have been confirmed as speakers for October 2018. They will have big things to reveal about wealth-building and you can find out more about each of these talented ladies by heading over to our event page.
Sailing on a luxurious Royal Caribbean ship we’ll get to know one another over delicious meals created by some of the finest chefs. There’ll be plenty of opportunities to socialize while taking part in the range of activities available aboard the ship. With the options at your disposal from Royal Caribbean there is sure to be something to suit you and keep everyone entertained as we glide through the warm waters and mix business with pleasure.
Yes, October 2018 may seem a long way off but book early and you’ll benefit from the early-bird rate. Recognizing and acting to seize a great deal when you see one – that’s a key quality that YOU can put into practice right now. Strike first by heading over to the page and booking your place.