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SpreadLove™ is thrilled to have Wana Miri, founder of WomenOnTopp as a Featured Speaker on our 2018 Wealth Building Conference At Sea.  Women On Topp will be running a workshop which we’re all very excited about. The workshop is sure to reveal valuable entrepreneurial insight and show you how to make your mark in business. Read their full article below which you can also read at

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Workshop Women On Topp: Spreadlove™ Wealth Building Conference at Sea

What is Wealth Building? Many people think wealth is about how much is in the bank, but wealth goes beyond your salary to incorporate anything of value that can be bought and sold. You probably have money in the bank, but is that wealth? Isn’t that just your salary that is paid into your account and mostly goes out again to pay bills? If you stopped working and relied solely upon what you have in the bank, would it sustain your current lifestyle? If so, for how long?

Wealth isn’t about the size of your salary.

Wealth isn’t about the size of your salary. Think about it: your salary dictates the kind of lifestyle you have and your lifestyle dictates the type and size of the expenses you have. In wealth building your wealth comes down to investments, savings, and assets you have outside of your flow of monthly income and expenses.

When discussing wealth building we’re talking about your ability to maintain the lifestyle you choose using funds derived from savings, property, and investments. We are not just talking about the money you have in a checking account for your monthly expenses. We want you to look beyond that to investments and assets that can grow in value over a period of time and perhaps eventually provide you with an income to replace that which you receive from an employer.

Networking events are crucial to our careers and businesses

Spreadlove™ regularly hosts and sponsors events that are in line with their brand. These events will help promote self love, teach financial literacy, build healthy relationships, explore wealth-building opportunities, and establish a positive self-image.

We’ve repeatedly been told that networking events are crucial to our careers and businesses, but most of us still don’t attend. Let’s change this, get ourselves out of our comfort zones and attend more events!


Women On Topp will be one of the speakers on board! Yes, that’s true. Founder of Women On Topp will be one of the speakers. Women On Topp will promise you to make this 8 day event is unforgettable. Wait, not just unforgettable, you can also benefit from this week. Once you get on board you’ll not leave with nothing. You’ll learn a lot from this event, you’ll gain new knowledge and you’ll create a new valuable network.

  • Women On Topp one hour workshop:

– How to attract your target market
– Important tricks to branding your business
– Networking, and Social Media engagement strategies

  • What’s in it for you? This event will be a great opportunity for you:

-To build relationships
-To keep up-to-date with trends
-To benefit from new ideas
-To connect with key influencers
-To be motivated
-To socialize


JOIN US ON THE 8-DAY WEEKEND FROM Ft. Lauderdale to Labadee, Haiti – Falmouth, Jamaica & Comuzel, Mexico. For the SpreadLove™ WEALTH BUILDING CONFERENCE AT SEA!

This wealth building conference is aimed at educating and informing participants about various streams of revenue that can be derived from: franchise ownership, real estate investing, stocks, mutual funds, and annuities, multi-level marketing, and entrepreneurship. The conference will feature guest speakers, workshops, vendors, and parties with guest DJs.

So what are you waiting for ladies? Take your chance. The 8-day cruise departs from from Ft. Lauderdale to Labadee, Haiti – Falmouth, Jamaica & Cozumel, Mexico and will feature vendors, parties with guest DJs, and many opportunities for networking and investing. this event is being open to everyone including spouses, children, and friends. For additional information, register and reserve cabins, please visit HERE.

We look forward to meeting you on board at THE event! Until the event, you’ll hear more about us & the event. Everyone is welcome!

PS: Are you a business owner? Are you interested in becoming a vendor? You can email at

Kris Mulliah

Author Kris Mulliah

Bio Coming soon.

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