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So it’s been a crazy few months of Trump leadership so far and the next few months would appear to promise more of the same. Let’s dive into the details and sort through what Trump has been up to with regards to the LGBTQ community. A few months back we wrote about the impact President Donald Trump was having upon the LGTBQ community. Trump has imposed changes almost immediately upon his inauguration. In this article we’re looking at how Trump has used his first 100 days as US president to impact LGBTQ issues.

Trump Rescinds Obama Transgender Guidelines

Our article a few months ago highlighted how Trump was rescinding the transgender guidelines introduced by former President Barack Obama.  These guidelines had instructed schools across the US to allow transgender pupils to use the bathroom pertaining to the gender they identify with. Upon taking office as president Trump wasted no time in rescinding those instructions and, in the process, he set back the LGTBQ cause.

Anti-LGBTQ Cabinet

Rescinding Obama’s transgender guidelines was just one of the first changes Trump put in motion. Upon taking office he has installed vehemently anti-gay party members as his part of his cabinet. Some of the key names involved are Ben Carson, Roger Severino and Tom Price. Jeff Sessions is another party member with anti-gay attitudes. He was instrumental in helping Trump to rescind the transgender guidelines Obama had laid down.

Census Bureau LGBTQ Data Gathering

It wasn’t too long before Trump’s administration shut down the planned data collection on LGBT Americans by the Census Bureau. This was important since it means that more accurate figures and information on LGBT Americans remains elusive and the community does not get the level of recognition it deserves.

LGBTQ Discrimination

Appointed by Barack Obama, Eric Fanning was America’s first openly gay Army Secretary. Inevitably it wasn’t long before Trump had him removed. In his place Trump has proposed the anti-LGBTQ Mark Green for the position. Green supports a bill that would allow discrimination against those from the LGBTQ community – including transgender individuals whom he has previously described as “evil”.

Away from the army Trump has also supported the ending of other legislation that would protect LGTBQ individuals against discrimination by federal contractors. Meanwhile, on the Supreme Court, Trump has placed Neil Gorsuch, a man who has previously described himself as a threat to LGBTQ rights.


What do you think of the changes Trump has imposed so far? Leave your thoughts in our comments section and don’t forget to share this article.

Our next post

In our next post we’ll be looking at Trump’s next 100 days and what impact they may bring. Be sure to check in later this week.

Xo, Spreadlove™

Kris Mulliah

Author Kris Mulliah

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