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Earlier this week we talked about the first 100 days of President Donald Trump’s time in office. The article discussed how he, with the help of those around him, is affecting the landscape for the LGTBQ community. Under a Trump administration the LGBTQ community is taking backwards steps in terms of being seen as a community with their own rights and needs. Today we’re looking at another cross section of society that still faces challenges: women. Specifically we are looking at the subtle glass ceiling women face in the workplace. 

But the News Says Women Are Being Treated Equally

Despite all the progress that we like to think has been made it is apparent that women still face a glass ceiling in the workplace. We have all seen the news stories that trumpet the progress we have made in getting to a place where women are treated as equals in the workplace. In a way we enjoy those stories in the news about how women are breaking through and taking seats in senior management, boardrooms, politics. They allow us a few moments of self-congratulation and feeling like some things may be going in the right direction even if others aren’t. We don’t want to be the ones to bring you down but we don’t want to ignore issues either. The truth is that the number of women in top jobs is still a drop in the ocean. The headlines might look good but the truth is still bitter. 

What About All the Movies and TV Shows?

Work isn’t the only area that we are told that women are making progress. There has been a sharp increase in the popularity movies and TV shows that features strong female characters in a position of power and influence. It seems there is an appetite for seeing women taking high political office (Madam Secretary), in positions of influence (Scandal), and also the rarity of a heroine who is intelligent and can kick ass (Revenge).

That Glass Ceiling Still Exists!

Unfortunately, in reality, the truth is that women still face a glass ceiling in the workplace. We previously talked about how women are subjected to subtle sexism in the workplace. Now there exists a subtle glass ceiling that women need to crack in order to progress in the corporate world.

A Subtle Glass Ceiling?

From their position on the corporate ladder many women recognize the signs that they are being denied the opportunity to develop their careers.

One of the factors they identify is that the old-boy club is still calling the shots. Those already in power usually opt for a male to join them in a position of influence. Apparently, when choosing colleagues, those in a position of power will choose candidates who are most like themselves.

People like to socialize, they like to party – we all know that. We also know that people like to party with other people who are like them. We’re not saying that managers choose their colleagues depending on their ability to “fit in” during social events. However, this does seems that this is part of it.

Elsewhere there are other certain work-related meetings that female executives say they are not always invited to. They say they aren’t seen as having the ability to be key decision-makers.

Does this chime with experiences that you have had? What do you think? Let us know your thoughts in our comments and don’t forget to share this article.

Xo, Spreadlove™

Kris Mulliah

Author Kris Mulliah

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